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In this page I'm going to give you some inputs about almost anything. You should give it a try. There is nothing to lose :)

Is This For Real?
You know what? You'll never know unless you try. I'm talking about e-relationship. You know, whenever you meet someone online, either from pen pal page or chat room, sometimes you feel like you two are really connected and attracted to each other. And the relationship continues to a constant emailing with one another. And you start flirting. There is no harm in flirting. You don't even see the person, right? Well, you don't know that. Sometimes they think it's real, or they just play along. All you could do is just dreaming whether or not you two are going to meet each other. Or at least make a phone call.

My advice is that, you should know the person really well before you give them your telephone number or address or even picture. But if the two of you live in different countries then it's OK. Why did I say this? Well, if someone is trying to mess around with you (meaning that they will try to do something bad), they won't bother doing that with someone far far away. That's why you have to be very careful. But if you think you know him/her well, then you can take that chance. Just be careful.

If you feel that she/he is the right person to spend the rest of your life with or maybe she/he is someone you want to get to know better, then you can let him/her know that you like him/her. For example, you can start by sending flowers or snail mail. Or a simple question like, "Would you be my e-girl/boyfriend?"

Relax, the only thing that you will lose is just a couple of bucks (if you send them something). You won't lose your dignity. Embarrassment? It's possible. But who cares? You're here and he/she is there. It's not like you're going to hell if he/she doesn't like you, right? ;)

So why not trying?! Believe me, you'd feel much better when you try. And if he/she doesn't feel the same way, then take it easy, maybe the Cupid feels that he/she is not the right one for this perfect creature (you) :D
