Moving Pictures

Hey movie freaks! Here's my reviews of the latest movies that I saw! Agree or not, we all have our own opinions :) And hopefully this would be helpful for those of you who haven't seen this movies yet


I love this movie! This is definitely a must see, especially if you are a comic fanatic. This movie makes us believe that someone could fly, although it's completely CGI. Tobey Maguire was a perfect choice playing the Spiderman. It was kinda weird at first coz he was so different on his previous characters in "Wonder Boys" and "The Cider House Rules". But after seeing him and the chemistry that he had with Kirsten Dunst (Mary Jane), I think choosing Tobey was a right decision. Willem Dafoe was great too. All I can say, Willem is a man with character or,.. should I say characters ;) Anyways, bring a lot popcorns and friends and see this movie! It's fun! You won't regret it


I'm sorry, but I think the movie sucks! It's not as I expected it to be. The story is lame. The love scene is pretty much plain. I don't feel any chemistry between Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker) and Natalie Portman (Padme Amidala). It's nothing compares to Han Solo and Princess Leia's. I think CGI is the trend now, coz if you noticed, Yoda is completely CGI. I really like Yoda, especially at the end of the movie. It's kinda cheesy but it's the best part. I love the fighting scenes as well. I think it's awesome. Ewan McGregor played Obi-Wan Kenobi really well. But what happened with Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu? When you see Samuel in Star Wars is like you seeing Shaft without the profanity. George Lucas could do better than this. Hopefully, Part III would be much better than Attack of the Clones. I think he should get Harrison Ford back ;)